Imago Dalmatiae. Itinerari di viaggio dal Medioevo al Novecento

Cascate di Kerka

"Unless you are a hardened traveller, inured to discomfort, you will do well to content yourself with a visit to the first falls above Scardona, which are truly magnificent, and the more impressive because of the arid wilderness you pass through to reach their fairy beauty. They may be reached by carriage from Sebenico, or by boat up the river in favourable weather, which latter way is far the most romantic, especially if you can so time your visit as to return by moonlight, for under its softening influence the rocky banks of the Krka, bare and forbidding by day, are invested with a magic charm. […]. From the stony wilderness above, the road to the waterfalls suddenly descends in zigzag windings to the level of the stream, and the green islands and willow-fringed banks of the river come upon you like a benediction, infinitely soothing and refreshing, to eyes blinded by the dust and dazzle of the sun-scorched treeless way (pp. 63-64)".