Cascate di Kerka
"After getting some new milk and fruit, we hired a boat and proceeded to the famous cascade of the Kerka, which hurries along a rocky channel from the city of Knin, and falls in near Scardona. [...]. On the left of Scardona the river Kerka falls in, and about a mile up is the cascade. A wall of rocks runs across the river, shaded with every species of tree, and among them dash down a thousand streams: on the south is the principal, falling over as it were a multiplicity of steps with a regularity that seems the effect of art. At the foot, on different islands formed by the streams again uniting, are many little mills embowered in wood, every one of which would form a sweet picture. On the north side of the river, a short way above, is a very old aqueduct covered with ivy, which at present conveys the water to one of the mills. Some have supposed this to be the aqueduct of Trajan, which extended as far as Zara; but there are no concurrent vestiges to support the idea (pp. 38-39)".