Imago Dalmatiae. Itinerari di viaggio dal Medioevo al Novecento

Rambles in Istria, Dalmatia and Montenegro

London, Hurst and Blackett, 1875, Bodleian Library

Con l'obiettivo di segnalare ai viaggiatori inglesi "paesi facilmente raggiungibili da Londra, ma raramente visitati" (p. V), l'anonimo amico di Andrew Archibald Paton descrive le città delle isole e della costa dalmata visitate nel giugno-luglio 1873. La narrazione odeporica si arricchisce di numerosi dialoghi avuti con personalità diplomatiche, compagni di viaggio, persone del popolo. Spesso sono riportate anche le abitudini culinarie e di vita in genere degli abitanti della provincia austriaca, restituendo così al lettore uno spaccato della società del tempo.

Itinerari del libro di viaggio
“At ten o’clock a.m., we came in front of Zara, celebrated in ancient times for its long siege, when “in 1346 Marino Faliero earned his laurels by the most daring assault”, and in modern times for its excellent Maraschino! Zara is an importa... leggi tutto
“At about one o’clock p.m we steamed away from Zara while we were at dinner, and at five o’clock p.m. reached Sebenico” (p. 79). ”It is a noble harbour, and so deep that a frigate can lie alongside the quay. At the narrowest part of its en... leggi tutto
“In the course of the morning we reached Spalato, a beautiful and most interesting place, where an artist could with advantage spend many days. It was celebrated in ancient times for the gorgeous palace which the Emperor Diocletian built for himsel... leggi tutto
“Early in the afternoon we left Spalato, and steaming away from the coast we stood out to sea, making for Lissa, a large island of the Adriatic, celebrated in the days of the first Napoleon for the stout sea fight in which, on the 13th of March 181... leggi tutto
"After a few hours steaming through the smoothest and bluest of seas, in due time we arrived at Lesina a little before sunset. This island is said to derive its name from being somewhat shaped like an awl, in Italian lesina. […]. I doubt, however,... leggi tutto
""Look, see how beautiful Ragusa is, how picturesque! Although I am only a poor Capuchin monk, I feel proud of my native city - che mi son Raguséo!" he [a traveling companion] exclaimed, breaking out into his native Venetian dialect. "Though most o... leggi tutto
"It was between three and four in the afternoon when I awoke of my own accord, thus anticipating the captain, who was just coming to tell me that we were about entering the canal of Cattaro, as it is called, but which to our ear is far better describ... leggi tutto
Bocche di Cattaro
"The position of Perasto cannot be surpassed; built on a promontory facing the west, it has the lake-like expansion of the Gulf of Cattaro in front and does not consequently labour under the disadvantage Cattaro suffers from, by having a chain of mou... leggi tutto
"It was six o'clock when we moored alongside the quay of Cattaro, one of the most picturesque cities of the whole Adriatic, so I had plenty of time to walk about and see the place as well as to make arrangements for my advance into Montenegro on the ... leggi tutto