Imago Dalmatiae. Itinerari di viaggio dal Medioevo al Novecento


"Across the long, slender isthmus from the little Lussin is Lussin-grande, but the former has now outstript its once grander neighbor. Owing to its larger and better harbor it has robbed its rival of most of her former prosperity, and in population and importance Lussin-piccolo should be the one now known as Lussin-grande.

Cigale is a charming little neighbor of the two Lussins, and is well worth visiting for the sake of its lovely old olive trees, and the walk along the shore, which has charming vistas of the sea between the firs. The picturesque fishing-boats, with their sharply pointed lateen sails silhouetted against the deep blue sky, make a picture to delight an artist, while the dark boughs of the spreading firs, the brown rocks, and clumps of pale green cacti, form a most harmonious foreground.

A most pleasant drive, if one can afford the time, can be taken from Lussin-piccolo, along the good road which follows the shore and climbs the ridge separating one Lussin from the other. Lussin-grande boasts a number of charming walks beautified by rocky terraces. Its little park has comfortable benches placed under the trees, where idlers sit in the shade and enjoy a lovely view of the water. On every side is a profusion of blossoming aloes, date-palms, orange and lemon trees, and great clumps of enormous cacti, and a wealth of exquisite oleanders, of every tone, from pure white to rosy purple. A quaint little church has been built on the shore at exactly the proper spot to enhance by its picturesqueness the beauty of the surroundings.

Both Lussins are popular health resorts and have numerous good hotels. We were told that they are well patronized by wealthy Russians and Austrians, as winter residences. Well-sheltered harbors afford a climate so mild that the lemon and orange trees are said to thrive all the year round on the island without protection" (pp. 47-48).