Imago Dalmatiae. Itinerari di viaggio dal Medioevo al Novecento


"The town of Traù stands, one-half on an island which it completely covers, and the other half on the island of Bua. It is connected on each side by bridges, but that between Bua and Traù opens for the passage of ships. Traù is old and picturesque, and it boasts a church more interesting, architecturally, than any other in Dalmatia, and quite as beautiful in its own peculiarity. […]. It is less light than that of Spalato, but it has a curiously Oriental idea thrown over it, which reminded me of many beautiful morceaux in Spain" (245-246).

"I was sorry not to be able to visit Bua, but the heat rendered any further exertion impossible; so I consoled myself with visiting the other churches of Traù, after which the gentleman who had kindly guided me over the town took me to see a collection of specimens of marble he had just made from Bua and the mountains immediately about Traù; there were certainly not less than fifty specimens, of every imaginable colour, mostly of a fine grain, and taking a good polish. I regretted, with him, that they had not been exhibited in London in 1862" (p. 249).