Imago Dalmatiae. Itinerari di viaggio dal Medioevo al Novecento


"After a few hours steaming through the smoothest and bluest of seas, in due time we arrived at Lesina a little before sunset. This island is said to derive its name from being somewhat shaped like an awl, in Italian lesina. […]. I doubt, however, the coorrectness of its etymology, and am inclined to think that its present name is more probably derived from its ancient one of "Pharos Insula", often reduced by elision into simply "Insula"; now the anagram of "Insula" is "Lusina", a word much more in harmony with the genius of the Italian language, and from Lusina to Lesina is but a shade. […].

In the middle of the town, close to the water's edge, are the "Loggie" or Portico, an elegant building, which in the olden times of Venetian supremacy was used by the merchants as an exchange to transact business in, as well as a hall of justice for the administration of the laws, and at the back a room is still shown where criminals and suspected persons underwent the question by torture. […].

The island of Lesina is barren, and its commerce very insignificant; it grows, however, an immense quantity of rosemary, from which is distilled a celebrated essential oil Oleum Anthos, and the Aqua Regia, or rosemary water, which are both largely exported" (pp. 111-113).