Imago Dalmatiae. Itinerari di viaggio dal Medioevo al Novecento

Highlands and islands of the Adriatic, including Dalmatia, Croatia, and the southern provinces of the Austrian Empire, vol. 1

London, Chapman And Hall, 186 Strand, 1849, Biblioteca del Senato della Repubblica, British Library, Bodleian Library

Su suggerimento dell’ambasciatore inglese alla corte di Vienna, Sir Robert Gordon, e dato il trattato commerciale stipulato tra Gran Bretagna e Impero austriaco (1838), l’autore vuole offrire una descrizione compiuta dei paesi a nord e a est dell’Adriatico con lo scopo di promuoverne la conoscenza degli scambi economici e delle risorse materiali. Intento del viaggiatore è inoltre quello di proporre pratiche riforme che possano risvegliare i “dormienti elementi di prosperità” di quelle province. A cui si aggiunge l'interesse naturalistico, architettonico e antropologico messo in risalto anche dalle numerose illustrazioni.

Nel novembre 1846 Paton intraprende il suo viaggio, partendo da Carlstadt per Vienna, da qui con la diligenza che con cadenza settimanale lascia la capitale dell’Impero raggiunge Zara. Per poter meglio descrivere la capitale dalmata, sceglie di lasciarla come ultima tappa dopo aver conosciuto usi e costumi della provincia. Di qui giunge a Sebenico, a Lesina, a Curzola, a Cattaro, a Ragusa, grazie al servizio bimensile dei piroscafi con tratta Trieste-Cattaro. Il viaggio prosegue verso il delta della Narenta a Forte Opuseo, a Porto Narenta, fino a Macarsca, a Spalato e a Salona, città con la quale si conclude il primo volume. Il secondo volume ha inizio con Sign, passando per Verlicca con una interessante escursione sul monte Dinara; poi a Knin, a Dernis, e infine a Zara.

Itinerari del libro di viaggio
“The modern and the Slaavic name of these Illyrian Alps, that run down the east of the Adriatic - sometimes approaching and sometimes receding from the sea-shore - is the Vellebitch. These mountains form the western limit of Croatia and Bosnia. ... leggi tutto
“[From Sebenico] an excellent Macadamised road carries the traveller to Scardona; but oh, how dreary the landscape! For many a long mile the footstep of some later Attila seemed to have left its withering impress on these plains. Some districts wer... leggi tutto
“The port of Sebenico is so excellent that a frigate of considerable tonnage can lie almost close to the quay, the entrance to the gulf being by a narrow slit, the command of which appeared so important to the Venetians, that Sammicheli, their grea... leggi tutto
“The course of the river Kerka - of which the inlet of the sea at Sebenico may be called the estuary - is short but sublime. Rising in the chain of the Vellebitch, close to the three frontiers of Croatia, Bosnia, and Dalmatia, it is less a river ... leggi tutto
Cascate di Kerka
“We anchored during the night at Spalato, where I passed some pleasant months before leaving Dalmatia; and next day, at noon, we arrived at Lesina, a narrow island, forty miles long, which derived its importance from having been the principal stati... leggi tutto
“Five hours from Lesina is Curzola, the most beautiful of all the islands of Dalmatia; approached by a natural canal formed by the island on ine side and the peninsula of Sabioncello on the other, a sort of Bosphorus on a grander and ruder scale, w... leggi tutto
“Montenegro forms no part of Dalmatia, but is an indipendent Republic, of the fiercest mountaineers, who have always succeeded in defying the power of the Porte from the impregnable position of their country, overlooking the Bocca di Cattaro and th... leggi tutto
Bocche di Cattaro
             “It was night when we dropt anchor off Cattaro […]; a hubbub of boats was at our larboard; and the deck crowded, with boats disembarking, made a scene of rather dismal novelty. On landing, the customs’ officers searched my... leggi tutto
“Ragusa is situated on the southern side of a small isthmus, but the port is only for the galleys of the middle ages. Half a mile off, on the northern side of the isthmus, is the Gulf of Gravosa, which is the port of the vessels of long course. A... leggi tutto
“The coast of Dalmatia from Ragusa to Spalato is almost entirely unknown to modern tourists, although the Delta of the Narenta is, without exception, that part of the coast in which Nature has poured out her territorial wealth with a liberality whi... leggi tutto
Delta della Narenta
“At length, within an our of sunset, we found ourselves at the mouth of the left branch of the Narenta, with the landscape just like that of the Po below Ferrara; and leaving the sea-green water of the Gulf, we now steered right up into the river, ... leggi tutto
Forte Opuseo
“The next day, the Praetor and the Narentan going on business to Metcovich, the bazaar on the Turkish frontier, I accompanied them thither. […]. Metcovich, the last place on the frontier, is situated on a steep hill, stretching out into the plain... leggi tutto
Porto Narenta
“After another trip through the polders and marshes, which added nothing to my previous stock of knowledge, I embarked in a large stout boat for Macarsca, a town on the mainland, midway between the Narenta and Spalato, in company with an eel specul... leggi tutto
    “March 1847.- A white tower, like an obelisk, seen against a grey cloud, well up the coast, was pointed out to me by the brown finger of the helmsman, with the single word “Spalato”. This was the tall campanile of the temple-cathedral. ... leggi tutto
“I visited Salona accompanied by Professor Carrara, who had been all along my obliging and instructive cicerone in Spalato. The distance is about three miles, and we proceeded thither on foot, as the road is good and the country delightful. […]. ... leggi tutto