"[...] Meléda (Slav. Mljet), the ancient Melita, an island with numerous chasms and gorges, the largest of which is the Babinopolje on the S. side. Some of the steamers touch at Porto Palazzo, on the N. side, the chief port. On an island to the W. is the Benedictine monastery of Santa Maria, now a forester's house. We steer through the Canale di Meleda; then N.E. through the Bocca Elsa, between the islands of Olipa and Jaklan, into the Canale di Olipa, with it a lighthouse. To the left, on the mainland, rises the bare limestone mass of Tmor (2973 ft.). On the right lie the 'stag islands' of Jacklan, Giuppana, Mezzo, and Calamotta. Between the last two rises the Scoglio Sant'Andrea (Donzella), to which Margherita Spoletano, the 'Dalmatian Hero', used to swim nightly to visit her lover until drowned by her brothers. Farther on we pass several villages on the coast, the lofty Dubravica, Trsteno or Cannosa, Valdinoce, and Malfi in a deep bay. On the right we next observe the Scoglio Daksa; on the left opens the Ombla" (p. 305).