"[...] once a frontier-fortress, is a town of 1300 inhab. on the slope of Monte Salvatore (1132 ft.); the Franciscan monastery contains a collection of Croatian antiquities. The valley of Kerka is very fertile here. [...] The main road through the interior of Dalmatia leads from Knin to Sinj (railway in 2 1/2 hrs. to Spalato, 36 M.). [...] The steamer to Spalato (preferable to the railway [...]) returns through the Canale di Sant'Antonio to the belt of the islands and rounds the Punta Planka, the ancient Promontorium Syrtis. In the distance to the S. are the islands of Lissa anf Sant'Andrea, an in clear weather the rock of Pomo is visible to the W. of them. We then steer between the islands of Zirona Piccola and Zirola Grande andŠolta into the harbour of Spálato" (p. 297).